Tabla hooks base de datos prestashop

Select de hooks  en base de datos prestashop recién instalada


Nombre hook Nombre antiguo Título Descripción
displayPayment payment Payment This hook displays new elements on the payment page
actionValidateOrder newOrder New orders
displayMaintenance NULL Maintenance Page This hook displays new elements on the maintenance page
actionPaymentConfirmation paymentConfirm Payment confirmation This hook displays new elements after the payment is validated
displayPaymentReturn paymentReturn Payment return
actionUpdateQuantity updateQuantity Quantity update Quantity is updated only when a customer effectively places their order
displayRightColumn rightColumn Right column blocks This hook displays new elements in the right-hand column
displayLeftColumn leftColumn Left column blocks This hook displays new elements in the left-hand column
displayHome home Homepage content This hook displays new elements on the homepage
Header displayHeader Pages html head section This hook adds additional elements in the head section of your pages (head section of html)
actionCartSave cart Cart creation and update This hook is displayed when a product is added to the cart or if the cart’s content is modified
actionAuthentication authentication Successful customer authentication This hook is displayed after a customer successfully signs in
actionProductAdd addproduct Product creation This hook is displayed after a product is created
actionProductUpdate updateproduct Product update This hook is displayed after a product has been updated
displayTop top Top of pages This hook displays additional elements at the top of your pages
displayRightColumnProduct extraRight New elements on the product page (right column) This hook displays new elements in the right-hand column of the product page
actionProductDelete deleteproduct Product deletion This hook is called when a product is deleted
displayFooterProduct productfooter Product footer This hook adds new blocks under the product’s description
displayInvoice invoice Invoice This hook displays new blocks on the invoice (order)
actionOrderStatusUpdate updateOrderStatus Order status update – Event This hook launches modules when the status of an order changes.
displayAdminOrder adminOrder Display new elements in the Back Office, tab AdminOrder This hook launches modules when the AdminOrder tab is displayed in the Back Office
displayAdminOrderTabOrder NULL Display new elements in Back Office, AdminOrder, panel Order This hook launches modules when the AdminOrder tab is displayed in the Back Office and extends / override Order panel tabs
displayAdminOrderTabShip NULL Display new elements in Back Office, AdminOrder, panel Shipping This hook launches modules when the AdminOrder tab is displayed in the Back Office and extends / override Shipping panel tabs
displayAdminOrderContentOrder NULL Display new elements in Back Office, AdminOrder, panel Order This hook launches modules when the AdminOrder tab is displayed in the Back Office and extends / override Order panel content
displayAdminOrderContentShip NULL Display new elements in Back Office, AdminOrder, panel Shipping This hook launches modules when the AdminOrder tab is displayed in the Back Office and extends / override Shipping panel content
displayFooter footer Footer This hook displays new blocks in the footer
displayPDFInvoice PDFInvoice PDF Invoice This hook allows you to display additional information on PDF invoices
displayInvoiceLegalFreeText NULL PDF Invoice – Legal Free Text This hook allows you to modify the legal free text on PDF invoices
displayAdminCustomers adminCustomers Display new elements in the Back Office, tab AdminCustomers This hook launches modules when the AdminCustomers tab is displayed in the Back Office
displayOrderConfirmation orderConfirmation Order confirmation page This hook is called within an order’s confirmation page
actionCustomerAccountAdd createAccount Successful customer account creation This hook is called when a new customer creates an account successfully
displayCustomerAccount customerAccount Customer account displayed in Front Office This hook displays new elements on the customer account page
displayCustomerIdentityForm NULL Customer identity form displayed in Front Office This hook displays new elements on the form to update a customer identity
actionOrderSlipAdd orderSlip Order slip creation This hook is called when a new credit slip is added regarding client order
displayProductTab productTab Tabs on product page This hook is called on the product page’s tab
displayProductTabContent productTabContent Tabs content on the product page This hook is called on the product page’s tab
displayShoppingCartFooter shoppingCart Shopping cart footer This hook displays some specific information on the shopping cart’s page
displayCustomerAccountForm createAccountForm Customer account creation form This hook displays some information on the form to create a customer account
displayAdminStatsModules AdminStatsModules Stats – Modules
displayAdminStatsGraphEngine GraphEngine Graph engines
actionOrderReturn orderReturn Returned product This hook is displayed when a customer returns a product
displayProductButtons productActions Product page actions This hook adds new action buttons on the product page
displayBackOfficeHome backOfficeHome Administration panel homepage This hook is displayed on the admin panel’s homepage
displayAdminStatsGridEngine GridEngine Grid engines
actionWatermark watermark Watermark
actionProductCancel cancelProduct Product cancelled This hook is called when you cancel a product in an order
displayLeftColumnProduct extraLeft New elements on the product page (left column) This hook displays new elements in the left-hand column of the product page
actionProductOutOfStock productOutOfStock Out-of-stock product This hook displays new action buttons if a product is out of stock
actionProductAttributeUpdate updateProductAttribute Product attribute update This hook is displayed when a product’s attribute is updated
displayCarrierList extraCarrier Extra carrier (module mode)
displayShoppingCart shoppingCartExtra Shopping cart – Additional button This hook displays new action buttons within the shopping cart
actionSearch search Search
displayBeforePayment backBeforePayment Redirect during the order process This hook redirects the user to the module instead of displaying payment modules
actionCarrierUpdate updateCarrier Carrier Update This hook is called when a carrier is updated
actionOrderStatusPostUpdate postUpdateOrderStatus Post update of order status
displayCustomerAccountFormTop createAccountTop Block above the form for create an account This hook is displayed above the customer’s account creation form
displayBackOfficeHeader backOfficeHeader Administration panel header This hook is displayed in the header of the admin panel
displayBackOfficeTop backOfficeTop Administration panel hover the tabs This hook is displayed on the roll hover of the tabs within the admin panel
displayBackOfficeFooter backOfficeFooter Administration panel footer This hook is displayed within the admin panel’s footer
actionProductAttributeDelete deleteProductAttribute Product attribute deletion This hook is displayed when a product’s attribute is deleted
actionCarrierProcess processCarrier Carrier process
actionOrderDetail orderDetail Order detail This hook is used to set the follow-up in Smarty when an order’s detail is called
displayBeforeCarrier beforeCarrier Before carriers list This hook is displayed before the carrier list in Front Office
displayOrderDetail orderDetailDisplayed Order detail This hook is displayed within the order’s details in Front Office
actionPaymentCCAdd paymentCCAdded Payment CC added
displayProductComparison extraProductComparison Extra product comparison
actionCategoryAdd categoryAddition Category creation This hook is displayed when a category is created
actionCategoryUpdate categoryUpdate Category modification This hook is displayed when a category is modified
actionCategoryDelete categoryDeletion Category deletion This hook is displayed when a category is deleted
actionBeforeAuthentication beforeAuthentication Before authentication This hook is displayed before the customer’s authentication
displayPaymentTop paymentTop Top of payment page This hook is displayed at the top of the payment page
actionHtaccessCreate afterCreateHtaccess After htaccess creation This hook is displayed after the htaccess creation
actionAdminMetaSave afterSaveAdminMeta After saving the configuration in AdminMeta This hook is displayed after saving the configuration in AdminMeta
displayAttributeGroupForm attributeGroupForm Add fields to the form ‘attribute group’ This hook adds fields to the form ‘attribute group’
actionAttributeGroupSave afterSaveAttributeGroup Saving an attribute group This hook is called while saving an attributes group
actionAttributeGroupDelete afterDeleteAttributeGroup Deleting attribute group This hook is called while deleting an attributes group
displayFeatureForm featureForm Add fields to the form ‘feature’ This hook adds fields to the form ‘feature’
actionFeatureSave afterSaveFeature Saving attributes’ features This hook is called while saving an attributes features
actionFeatureDelete afterDeleteFeature Deleting attributes’ features This hook is called while deleting an attributes features
actionProductSave afterSaveProduct Saving products This hook is called while saving products
actionProductListOverride productListAssign Assign a products list to a category This hook assigns a products list to a category
displayAttributeGroupPostProcess postProcessAttributeGroup On post-process in admin attribute group This hook is called on post-process in admin attribute group
displayFeaturePostProcess postProcessFeature On post-process in admin feature This hook is called on post-process in admin feature
displayFeatureValueForm featureValueForm Add fields to the form ‘feature value’ This hook adds fields to the form ‘feature value’
displayFeatureValuePostProcess postProcessFeatureValue On post-process in admin feature value This hook is called on post-process in admin feature value
actionFeatureValueDelete afterDeleteFeatureValue Deleting attributes’ features’ values This hook is called while deleting an attributes features value
actionFeatureValueSave afterSaveFeatureValue Saving an attributes features value This hook is called while saving an attributes features value
displayAttributeForm attributeForm Add fields to the form ‘attribute value’ This hook adds fields to the form ‘attribute value’
actionAttributePostProcess postProcessAttribute On post-process in admin feature value This hook is called on post-process in admin feature value
actionAttributeDelete afterDeleteAttribute Deleting an attributes features value This hook is called while deleting an attributes features value
actionAttributeSave afterSaveAttribute Saving an attributes features value This hook is called while saving an attributes features value
actionTaxManager taxManager Tax Manager Factory
displayMyAccountBlock myAccountBlock My account block This hook displays extra information within the ‘my account’ block”
actionModuleInstallBefore NULL actionModuleInstallBefore
actionModuleInstallAfter NULL actionModuleInstallAfter
displayHomeTab NULL Home Page Tabs This hook displays new elements on the homepage tabs
displayHomeTabContent NULL Home Page Tabs Content This hook displays new elements on the homepage tabs content
displayTopColumn NULL Top column blocks This hook displays new elements in the top of columns
displayBackOfficeCategory NULL Display new elements in the Back Office, tab AdminCategories This hook launches modules when the AdminCategories tab is displayed in the Back Office
displayProductListFunctionalButtons NULL Display new elements in the Front Office, products list This hook launches modules when the products list is displayed in the Front Office
displayNav NULL Navigation
displayOverrideTemplate NULL Change the default template of current controller
actionAdminLoginControllerSetMedia NULL Set media on admin login page header This hook is called after adding media to admin login page header
actionOrderEdited NULL Order edited This hook is called when an order is edited.
actionEmailAddBeforeContent NULL Add extra content before mail content This hook is called just before fetching mail template
actionEmailAddAfterContent NULL Add extra content after mail content This hook is called just after fetching mail template
actionObjectProductUpdateAfter NULL actionObjectProductUpdateAfter
actionObjectProductDeleteAfter NULL actionObjectProductDeleteAfter
displayCompareExtraInformation NULL displayCompareExtraInformation
displaySocialSharing NULL displaySocialSharing
displayBanner NULL displayBanner
actionObjectLanguageAddAfter NULL actionObjectLanguageAddAfter
displayPaymentEU NULL displayPaymentEU
actionCartListOverride NULL actionCartListOverride
actionAdminMetaControllerUpdate_optionsBefore NULL actionAdminMetaControllerUpdate_optionsBefore
actionAdminLanguagesControllerStatusBefore NULL actionAdminLanguagesControllerStatusBefore
actionObjectCmsUpdateAfter NULL actionObjectCmsUpdateAfter
actionObjectCmsDeleteAfter NULL actionObjectCmsDeleteAfter
actionShopDataDuplication NULL actionShopDataDuplication
actionAdminStoresControllerUpdate_optionsAfter NULL actionAdminStoresControllerUpdate_optionsAfter
actionObjectManufacturerDeleteAfter NULL actionObjectManufacturerDeleteAfter
actionObjectManufacturerAddAfter NULL actionObjectManufacturerAddAfter
actionObjectManufacturerUpdateAfter NULL actionObjectManufacturerUpdateAfter
actionModuleRegisterHookAfter NULL actionModuleRegisterHookAfter
actionModuleUnRegisterHookAfter NULL actionModuleUnRegisterHookAfter
displayMyAccountBlockfooter NULL My account block Display extra informations inside the “my account” block
displayMobileTopSiteMap NULL displayMobileTopSiteMap
displaySearch NULL displaySearch
actionObjectSupplierDeleteAfter NULL actionObjectSupplierDeleteAfter
actionObjectSupplierAddAfter NULL actionObjectSupplierAddAfter
actionObjectSupplierUpdateAfter NULL actionObjectSupplierUpdateAfter
actionObjectCategoryUpdateAfter NULL actionObjectCategoryUpdateAfter
actionObjectCategoryDeleteAfter NULL actionObjectCategoryDeleteAfter
actionObjectCategoryAddAfter NULL actionObjectCategoryAddAfter
actionObjectCmsAddAfter NULL actionObjectCmsAddAfter
actionObjectProductAddAfter NULL actionObjectProductAddAfter
dashboardZoneOne NULL dashboardZoneOne
dashboardData NULL dashboardData
actionObjectOrderAddAfter NULL actionObjectOrderAddAfter
actionObjectCustomerAddAfter NULL actionObjectCustomerAddAfter
actionObjectCustomerMessageAddAfter NULL actionObjectCustomerMessageAddAfter
actionObjectCustomerThreadAddAfter NULL actionObjectCustomerThreadAddAfter
actionObjectOrderReturnAddAfter NULL actionObjectOrderReturnAddAfter
actionAdminControllerSetMedia NULL actionAdminControllerSetMedia
dashboardZoneTwo NULL dashboardZoneTwo
displayProductListReviews NULL displayProductListReviews
actionAdminMetaControllerUpdate_optionsAfter NULL actionAdminMetaControllerUpdate_optionsAfter
actionAdminPerformanceControllerSaveAfter NULL actionAdminPerformanceControllerSaveAfter
actionObjectCarrierAddAfter NULL actionObjectCarrierAddAfter
actionObjectContactAddAfter NULL actionObjectContactAddAfter
actionAdminThemesControllerUpdate_optionsAfter NULL actionAdminThemesControllerUpdate_optionsAfter
actionObjectShopUpdateAfter NULL actionObjectShopUpdateAfter
actionAdminPreferencesControllerUpdate_optionsAfter NULL actionAdminPreferencesControllerUpdate_optionsAfter
actionObjectShopAddAfter NULL actionObjectShopAddAfter
actionObjectShopGroupAddAfter NULL actionObjectShopGroupAddAfter
actionObjectCartAddAfter NULL actionObjectCartAddAfter
actionObjectEmployeeAddAfter NULL actionObjectEmployeeAddAfter
actionObjectImageAddAfter NULL actionObjectImageAddAfter
actionObjectCartRuleAddAfter NULL actionObjectCartRuleAddAfter
actionAdminStoresControllerSaveAfter NULL actionAdminStoresControllerSaveAfter
actionAdminWebserviceControllerSaveAfter NULL actionAdminWebserviceControllerSaveAfter